Ravi Gupta
2 min readJun 15, 2021


Article by:- Ravi Gupta (Fintech| API & Open Banking|DigitalTransformation Enthusiast)

Understanding Low-Code Rapid Application Development Platforms

One of the leading value-adds of Low-Code Rapid Application Development that you may have heard is flexibility. Whether you’re an owner-operator or a tech developer yourself, they make the majority of development more manageable. Not only do they simplify and streamline the process, but the overall economic impact both in terms of cost and efficiency is also a win-win. As markets evolve and become exponentially digitally driven, the opportunity to lower overheads and bring app development in-house opens up the market for even the most bootstrapped business.

With Low-Code RAD platforms offering a 95% reduction in manual coding and suitable for both experienced and inexperienced users while still producing a robust app product, it’s hard to go past these apps. In terms of the development process itself, these platforms offer an end-to-end solution for app development that eliminates the labor of hand-coding. Generally speaking, low-code platforms involve configuration rather than programming using visual software development that involves drag-and-drop components.

Image Source- Low-Code Rapid Application Development

An overview of Low-Code RAD platforms

Gartner has predicted that by 2024 the low-code market will represent more than 65% of the application development. ERS IT Solutions these platforms and the development process in the infographic below including the differences between Low-Code and No-Code RAD.

Low-Code RAD Platforms In Summary

In summary, Yahoo reports this niche of the market is projected to exceed $53 billion by 2026. While the best software development will always be what is most suitable for the operation needing it and the problems it will solve, these final headline benefits are worth noting for those considering dipping their toe in as a citizen developer. To get a business and computer-related consultation check Eckstrom consulting.

Closing headline benefits:

  • Accelerates app development from months to mere weeks or days
  • Frees up tech staff for other tasks whether it’s more complex development or securing networks (increasingly relevant based on 2020 cybersecurity risks with remote workers)
  • Complete lifecycle management
  • Integration of automated databases
  • Agile
  • Streamlined development
  • Optimizes workflows

Featured image from Unsplash.com

